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How Women Dressed in the 18th Century

Hello everyone!

This week has gotten away from me, as I'm sure it may have for you as well. I have been to a bridal shower, did two of my friend's hair, got my nails done and went to dinner with a friend, worked, and in general had life to take care of. So, it's been pretty busy for me this week, but I'm sure with this time of year for you all it has gotten busy as well. Everyone has graduation parties, bridal showers, weddings, vacations, and just in general business going on. So, I can't feel too bad for skimping on this week's blog post. I will say, I'm fine with it as long as I was busy enjoying life with my family and friends and getting done what I need to get done before putting my blog first, then I'm happy.

But, I did find this pretty interesting and am thinking that you might as well. Women think that we have it hard, getting ready for the day, picking out an outfit, doing their hair or whatever they need to do to feel good. But, this video will show you what it took for women to get ready for their daily life in the 18th Century. It's no wonder they had help getting dressed. Imagine if everyday were like a formal event, like a wedding, for example, and you need someone's help to get dressed or use the bathroom. Well, here's the video. I hope you enjoy it.

To think, I used to think that all of those pieces were one solid dress. I guess if they have a stain on the front of the dress they would have a less awkward laundry time trying to get the stain out. Still, in retrospect, we don't have it difficult today. We can throw on whatever we want and toss our hair in a messy bun and be on our way. These ladies had to work for it and had to remain a certain way throughout the day as well, unable to speak their mind like women today. So, next time you're thinking it's hard to be a woman, just think about how good we have it today.

I love you all, I'll try to prepare something better for next week. But most importantly, have fun with your friends and family and enjoy those times together attending big events. Time together is time well spent.

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