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Hannah B.

Blogger, Writer, Artist and Crafter, Lover of Hair, Ukulele Student

I was raised in a christian home and could not be more grateful to my parents who went through many hard times just to put me through a christian school and give me a good upbringing.  I was always taught to put others before myself and that is something I think about every day when I pray that I can help others in some way.  The purpose of this blog is not only to share a piece of myself but to mostly help others in the sharing of information that I find helpful in life.  I hope that through this page you will be educated, inspired, uplifted, and in general leave feeling happier.  The world needs more people who want to spread love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  I believe all of these things help build The Quality Person.  <3

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