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Blog Change Update: A Better Tomorrow

Hello everyone, I'm writing to tell you about the big change to my blog!

Another change? Well, yes. Here's why:

I started this blog to share with you some of my own tips and tricks that I have been asked along the way. So, I made up a guideline for every day of the week, in which every day would feature a new topic. I thought this would be great and would keep me on course by doing it this way. Well, it did keep me on course, but it got me to the point of being overworked and I started to see my blog going downhill. That was when I decided to cut the weekend days off, since I didn't care about those topics as much anyway. For about 5 or 6 weeks after that I have continually kept up with creating a new blog post for the days of the week. While 7 weeks might not sound like a lot of time, it is. Because, when I wasn't posting and sharing with you what I wrote, I was busy coming up with what I could write or what pictures and videos I could add, trying to find any idea, in general, to go along with the current day of the week. My life has been: wake up, after not getting enough sleep, drag myself to work, while thinking of what topic I can cover for my blog post tonight, and not having enough data on my phone to look things up while at work, coming home and slapping together a quick and easy, short blog of something that fit the topic of the day. If I know I'm going to be doing something the next day I try to finish my post the night before, which is why having the weekends off is good, because I can start the week off by being a day or two ahead and then still end it on time. But as a whole I feel like I have no down time at all. Even when I'm sitting, I'm working and I feel very pulled in 100 directions by other people's needs as well. I help people constantly, so it's not something I'm not used to already, but to add in a blog post for every day of the week becomes tiring. There are things I want to do to help myself de-stress and feel better, like start working out again, take five minutes and practice my ukulele, and I don't have time or energy to do that. Ironically, I post about projects and things that I don't have time for anymore and I miss that.

I do love the Quality Girl Blog and I want to keep it going. So once again, I'm going to be revamping the blog and giving you a new weekly post every Wednesday. This day of the week seems to work for me, which I like and also it takes place right in the middle of the week. I will no longer be stifled to specific topics, meaning just because my garden is growing and I'm proud of it, I end up taking up all of the Foodie Friday days and turn them into Garden Friday days. That's sort of how it was seeming to me, and I didn't like to see that. Also, If I want to post an update of something throughout the week, those will be bonus!

Lately I have been really stressing inside, because I knew that I was getting bogged down with everything. I'm not a superwoman, I just play one on TV. I love to get my hands into everything and stay busy, but I also love relax time. Everyone needs some time to relax or they start going a little crazy. I know that I can create my own busy schedule without meaning to, wanting to do everything I can. But in among doing all that I can, I also crave balance. Lately I have been very unbalanced and my blog posts have been showing it. They have been shorter, less interesting, less pizzazz and almost without feeling or forced emotion. If I'm going to do a blog, that's not the kind of blog I want. It needs to be done right and I believe this change will be helpful!

So, you'll only see me once a week, but I like that idea better. In the last 7 weeks there have been 46 posts so far. That's A LOT. So, I'm sure you can understand. I won't be finishing out this week and so far, the first two days weren't that great this will give me time to formulate this next Wednesday's first post.

I hope you guys keep enjoying my blog! I'll do my best, like always. It's just lately, my best hasn't been very good because I've been too stretched in my life. So, we're looking at a better tomorrow!

I'll see you beautiful people next Wednesday!

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