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My Apple Cider Vinegar and Garden Updates and Bonus Orange Chicken Recipe


I wanted to give an update on the Apple Cider Vinegar usage. I have been drinking it everyday in the morning and I even updated how I drink it. My new ingredient is cinnamon! It smells like apple sauce, which helps to mask the vinegar when it comes closer to your nose as you drink it.


Heat up 1 Cup of water to a drinkable temperature (For me, that's 1:30 in the microwave)

Add 2 TBSP of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Add 2 TBSP of Honey

Sprinkle enough cinnamon to cover the top of the liquid

Some people add lemon (I don't)

Stir and Sip

I also have a weird tip that has helped me not to feel a burn in the back of my throat from the vinegar. When you drink this, do so out of a coffee mug or glass but not a travel mug. It's harder to hold your tongue in the way that I am about to say if you have a travel mug. You can try it if you like..but it's just what I found. The trick is, keep your neck and head relatively level and don't throw you head back in effort to swallow quickly, this can make the vinegar start to go up your throat and nose in the back and make a burning sensation. Instead, keep your head still and place your tongue behind your top center teeth and hold it there from the time you sip your drink to the time you swallow. This has helped to keep the vinegar from burning my throat and the smell of the vinegar going up my nose.

The effects I have seen from drinking apple cider vinegar:

I have seen better digestion, more energy, a few pounds in weight loss, less bloating, better acid control (having to take less acid pills)

In the almost 7 weeks that I have been taking this, there have been only a few days that I have missed, for instance, 2 or 3 days in a row, on a couple of occasions. Both times I noticed how much I was benefited by the apple cider vinegar. I started to notice that I was bloated and more sluggish, I had to take my acid reducers twice a day again instead of once a day, like I do now. I noticed my digestion was better with the apple cider vinegar as well.

So if you're thinking about starting up this regime, I say give it a try! Do it for a while and then stop for 3 days and you'll start to see your old self again. Believe me when I say, you'll want to get back at it. It may take you a few days or so to get used to because it's not the best tasting in the world. But trust me when I say, I don't wince anymore. I can get past all of the vinegar smells because of the cinnamon. Its not as bad as you might think.

Another tip: warm apple cider vinegar is better and less burning than cool or cold apple cider vinegar. If you let it cool down, just heat it back up, it'll be better.


Here's a quick photo update on our garden so far! Beans, Tomatoes, Corn, Strawberries so far. I don't know if you can see the melons so far or cucumbers, but it's progress!

For anyone else craving Chinese Food today too:

Looks Yummy!

Hope you enjoyed my updates and I'll see you next Monday to see what we can do to make our lives easier!

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