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Learn to Play the Ukulele Using Yousician

Hey guys and welcome back to Ukulele Wednesday!

I have a short post for you today (like all this week, really.) But this one I'm hoping all of your music fans will love! I have a website, app and a computer download that you can use that will help you learn your instrument!

This isn't just for ukulele players, though I am learning how to play the ukulele with this website download on my computer.

It's called Yousician and you go to this website:

If you've never used Yousician before, click on the Start Now button in the middle of the page or click on the Login button at the top right of the page. From there, create an account and choose which instrument you would like to learn.

The beauty of this site is that it teaches you how to play the instrument, while making it fun and challenging like a video game. It somewhat reminds me of the video game Guitar Hero, in that way. It increases your challenges as each lesson progresses and builds off of what you learned previously.

It has been helping me learn how to switch from one chord to another quicker and also to remember the different chords and what they are on my ukulele. Also, the free daily lesson is the perfect size for me everyday, or most days. I have arthritis in my hands and my hands start to cramp up and become very painful after a little bit of playing. I can tell when I'm getting ready to end the lesson because it gets harder and harder for my hands to keep practicing. But by the time the free lesson is over, my hands have had just enough.

If you wish to play more than just the free lesson a day you can get the paid version of Yousician, but I find that learning in small chunks is helping me have something attainable to work on and I don't have to worry about paying for it.

Give Yousician a try for yourself! Happy learning everyone!


Fun video by Zee Avi called Just You and Me (I love her and love this song!)

A gem of a video! And if you see, she's playing the ukulele! This video had me a little misty-eyed and I found her performance wonderful! I'm hoping you do as well!

I'll see you lovely people tomorrow for Throw Back Thursday!

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