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Say Hello to Looking Younger: How to Tone Your Neck and Face Using Face Yoga

Hello, everyone! You may or may not have noticed that I didn't make a blog post yesterday. I took a vacation day and I hope you were able to take one too! I hope everyone had a happy Memorial Day!

Today's Tutorial Tuesday is on a topic that I don't share very often, but it's an effective one! Today I have found videos to show you on face yoga. Face yoga is a way to get rid of lines and wrinkles and prevent them from coming back, slim out parts of your face and neck and in general make yourself look better and younger. Face yoga is something that is worth trying out, but if you do, make sure you stick with it. You will see and feel results and people will most likely tell you that you look like you've lost weight. Anytime I do face yoga for a couple of weeks people will say, "I can tell you lost weight. I see it in your face and neck." I haven't lost weight, but thanks for thinking I look better. :) That's what we all want, isn't it?

I found a face yoga instructor on Youtube that I will be posting her videos to show you how to do these exercises properly. The link to her account page on Youtube is:

First, let's learn about the muscles in your face:

Some of you might be wondering if face exercises will cause wrinkles in the long run:

How to get rid of a double chin:

How to diminish laugh lines:

How to reduce forehead wrinkles:

How to get a cheek lift:

How to reduce cheek fat:

How to get rid of eye bags:

Fumiko Takatsu has many other videos targeting certain muscles in the face and shows you how to get rid of marks and wrinkles and even smoking effects on your face. She has many, many videos that you may also be interested in on her Youtube channel: Face Yoga Method

Give these a try! These exercises need to be done in repetitions, not just once and done, to see full results.

Here is one woman's face yoga demonstration on one half of her face:

There are many different types of facial exercises out there and I hope this has helped you learn a little bit about them. If you have problem areas on your face and neck that you would like to fix, why not try this? No one has to know. You can do these exercises in the bathroom, the shower, in the car, wherever you are that you are alone. It may seem embarrassing to make silly faces, but it's worth it!

Love you guys! I'll see you tomorrow for Ukulele Wednesday!

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