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Garden: Round 2

Hello, all! This is a Foodie Friday that will be talking more about the progress of our little garden. Last week we planted the tomatoes and strawberries in bright green pots.

To recap:

This week we planted the corn, beans, squash, cucumbers, and cantaloupe that I promised we would be planting!

We broke up the ground a bit with the hula hoe and got rid of those weeds and grass. Then we used the hoe to dig holes in the appropriate spots. Lori did all of the grid designing for the placements for the garden prior to the planting and we only needed to tweak it slightly when we initially began.

We used our trusty yardstick to get the proper hole placements:

Once we had our holes all throughout the garden, we divided u the proper amount of seeds and dropped them in the holes.

Check out our lovely seeds in the ground:

And Wala! A garden planted!

I realize this looks like a bunch of dirt...because it is. But in a few of months it'll be yummy food!

For now we're going to weed any weeds that grow up and keep on watering it. I'll post updates as they come along!

Thanks for checking out the Quality Girl Blog today, where we even grow our own food! Woo!

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