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Why do old movie accents sound weird? Find out:

Thanks for coming back to this week's Throw Back Thursday! Today we're going to be going back into the early days of film.

Did you ever watch an old movie and wonder what their accent is from? It's very hard to place where it came from and yet, they all seem to sound the same. This accent has a name. it's called the Transatlantic Accent or the Mid-Atlantic accent. Let's learn all about it:

Here is a clip of Bette Davis using her transatlantic accent.

Here we see Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant in The Philadelphia Story with their transatlantic accents. (A great movie.)

I found this entertaining clip of Emma Stone on Ellen DeGeneres (ironically using the two actresses I chose for my clips before I saw this.) It just goes to show you how iconic these voices of Hollywood were and how well they were using this memorable accent in films and real life.

So where did it go? This accent seemed to disappear after World War II when the school teachers stopped teaching this pronunciation in schools, which is why it sounds different to us today. But it sure is fun to listen to while watching all of your favorite old films.

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