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Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Welcome to Sunday Surprise!

Today I want to talk about Apple Cider Vinegar and the health benefits you can expect from adding this to your daily routine.

I found a great video, from a nutritionist, about apple cider vinegar that I would like to share with you.

Here is a list of the different uses and benefits of apple cider vinegar:

On 4/21/2017, Friday night, I began my first dose of apple cider vinegar. I am looking forward to seeing the many health benefits from adding this to my daily lifestyle and I'll report back my results from time to time.

Here are my experiences so far:

Day 1:

Time of day - Evening

I had read on the internet that you are to make a tea by adding 2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar to 1 Cup of water (heated). You can also add honey to make it easier to drink.

Well, my first thought was, mix half the amount of water into the same 2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar because then I would have less liquid to drink and I could just get it over with. So I did. Don't do that. It is still very potent. The honey helps, but trust me - don't do that. I wasn't even able to finish all of my drink.

Day 2:

Time of day - Morning

Because the night before felt as though I wouldn't be able to drink that mixture every morning I decided it would be a good idea to do a apple cider vinegar shot to get it over with quickly. Again - don't do this. Not only was it very hard to keep down but also I found out that because of the acidity in straight up apple cider vinegar, over time, it can burn your esophagus and strip the enamel off your teeth. Apple Cider Vinegar (used correctly) can whiten your teeth anyway as well as freshen your breath. But you don't want to be stripping the enamel off of those teeth.

The results were that I ended up with it all over my shirt and half spit out in the sink and only was able to swallow some.

Day 3:

Time of day - Morning

My parents had mentioned to me that years ago they used to take apple cider vinegar using the same method instructed on the internet. So, why not follow the directions then! I gave it a shot, since I clearly took the uneducated approach before and thought that somehow I was going to make it easier on myself. Instead, I was just making it harder. So, this morning I made my tea and took my first sip. It was SO much better! It, pretty much, had the flavor of an apple cider tea and honey with a slight kick in the back of my throat as it's going down. I was so excited that I shared it with my sister, who also agreed that it wasn't bad.

This was the first time I had some hope of being able to get beyond the throat and nose burn that I was being given before from my previous methods.

This is what I'm planning on doing as a daily regimen to begin my day and I have decided to pair this with taking Garcinia Cambogia. I'm going to see what kind of results I will see with doing this as well as using a healthy diet and exercise.

I will also be using the apple cider vinegar on my skin as a toner. I have heard that it can help with acne as well as moles, warts, skin tags and eczema. I'm looking to see if I can clear up my acne and get rid of some skin tags on my neck.

You may have heard of combining apple cider vinegar with Garcinia Cambogia to help in weight loss. In the past, I haven't given the Garcinia Cambogia enough time really see the results or I haven't used it properly. But I have done a bit of research this time and I'm going to give it a shot with the apple cider vinegar to see what will happen. Ever wonder if these videos or pictures on the internet are true results? Me too. So, I'm going to find out.

I'll post every so often to share my results. I will say, as a side note. My weight was down almost 2 pounds from a few days ago. Weight fluctuates, so I'm not calling this any sort of results. But I would at least like it noted, in case it keeps going down like that. I have heard that by doing this your weight can start changing right away and you can drop weight quickly. So we'll see. :)

Hope you enjoyed this Sunday Surprise! Thank you for sharing the week with me and I hope to see you back each day!

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