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My Dog Has Fleas :)

Welcome to Ukulele Wednesday! Every Wednesday I'll be sharing a ukulele video, whether it be a tutorial, a performance, a nice cover song or something else fun...if you don't already love the ukulele, I hope this helps you see it in a new light!

At the beginning of last August I received my ukulele in the mail! I had decided, shortly before, that I wanted to play the ukulele. It's a different sort of instrument that is strangely becoming popular again. You might reccognize these names Zooey Deschanel, Grace Vanderwaal, and Jake Shimabukuro, to name a few. For quite some time prior to me getting my ukulele I had a high school teacher/friend who had started playing the instrument first. She would post things about her songs she was learning and the performances that she was doing and made it sound very appealing. The day I ordered my uke was the day that I had given in to my desires. I was in on a conversation about ukuleles that day online when I learned another friend of mine also knew how to play. While online I had seen an add for free ukulele lessons in my area at the local library as well. That was it. I sent them a message saying that I needed to start learning how to play. (Thank you for your push of confidence and inspiration.) I never did take those lessons at the library, however, I did start looking up lessons on and tutorials in general that teach you how to play. And I have found some great helpful videos.

While I waited eagerly for my instrument to arrive, I was binge watching How I Met Your Mother with my mom on one of my days off. (Don't judge, I love me and my mom's special time together.) Anyway, we were watching one of the episodes where "the mother" was revealed. There was a clip in the show that made me want to learn this beautiful song. I already knew the song, La Vie En Rose and loved it, but when I heard it played on the ukulele I thought it was so delicate, soft and lovely.

So when my package arrived a few days later I couldn't wait to get started!

This is what arrived in the mail:

My New Ukulele
Blue Paisley Ukulele Case

I looked up a tutorial for La Vie En Rose to learn how to play this beautiful song and discovered a great music teacher along the way. Her name is Cynthia Lin and has a page on under Cynthia Lin Music. She also has a website where you can download all of her chord charts and everything! She's great! Her website is

She also puts up the chords along with her playing in the video. But if you would like to play using the chord chart it might be up your alley. I like using it.

A long while ago I was able to play this pretty well and then I had set it aside for a bit. Recently when I came back to this song I found that I was a bit rusty. So I'm not gonna make you watch me struggle. But I love to play this song. It's one of my favorites.

Bonus: Adorable little 6 year old playing Lazy by Bruno Mars

That wraps it up for today.

I hope you enjoyed our first Ukulele Wednesday!

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