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How to Knit

I have been asked by several people to teach them how to knit. For one reason or another I never get around to it and I know that some of you out there would still appreciate to learn how to knit.

If you're thinking that knitting is for old people I'm hereto tell you. Knitting is not just for your grandparents. It's truly is for all ages. If you have an interest in learning how to make yourself something, take up a new hobby, do something fun and relaxing during the cold weather seasons, or for whatever reason then this Tuesday Tutorial is for you!

I stumbled across this little gem after watching a few other videos that were attempting to teach others how to knit and I thought it was the closest to how I knit and one of the easiest to follow. Sometimes the tutorials go so slow that it doesn't look like it's easy anymore. Instead every step just looks long and difficult. In reality the more fluid you can keep things moving the better your stitches will look.

Here's a video from Hobby Lobby that I thought was great.

If this video goes too fast I also have a video that was done without talking but with clear movements as well to show you how it's done. Either video hopefully helps you by teaching you the basics of how to knit.

This next video teaches a different way how to cast on stitches. I typically will use the way that the first video shows how to cast on but I think that second way of doing it turns out very beautiful and if you like it better it's all personal preference.

When most people think of knitting they think of this basic stitch:

This is made by doing one row of all Knit Stitches, turning over the needles and doing one row of all Pearl Stitches. The Knit side will end up looking like this blue one and the Pearl side will look like this yellow one.

These are the two basic knitting stitches. If you choose to only use Peal stitches OR Knit stitches on both sides for the whole project it won't look like these two pictures. It sort of alternates between them in horizontal rows.

The main goal is to practice. After tearing out many sets of stitches you'll understand. Once you can master these stitches you can do quite a bit as far as knitting goes. Who knows, maybe you'll like it and explore other knitting stitches on your own.

If you pick at this through the Spring and Summer you'll be a master by fall and be in the perfect time of year for knitting!

Enjoy guys!

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